Passwordstate Support
At Click Studios, we pride ourselves on providing the best support possible. If you are having issues with installing or using Passwordstate, or simply have an enquiry, please refer to the support options below.

Generate Support Ticket

When requesting support, our Technical Support team will assess if a scheduled call or remote session will be required. If these are required they will be organized during our standard support hours. Please specify your Passwordstate Build Number, and other options below as appropriate:

Ticket Type  
Passwordstate Build Number  
Web Server Operating System  
Hosting Platform  
Load Balancers or Proxy Server  
Web Server Anti-Virus Software  
License Type  
Annual Support License Key  

  • Screenshots of any errors you may be experiencing
  • Any instructions for how you can reproduce technical issues
Generate Support Ticket

Note: You must have a default Email Client configured in order to use the 'Generate Support Ticket' button above. If no popup windows appears when clicking this button, please use the following Web Form instead - Support Web Form
Please note Load Balancers, Proxy Servers, Reverse Proxy Servers and Anti-Virus Software are not supported by Click Studios, and we may request they be removed/bypassed, to troubleshoot your support call, if we believe them to be interfering with functionality or performance of our software.
We always respond to emails. If you do not receive an email back from us, please check your Spam Folder/Software, and if possible, whitelist our domain of