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What happens when I delete data from Passwordstate? Is it recoverable?


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Click Studios do get this question from time to time, about what happens to passwords or password lists, when they are deleted out of the system.  Below is some information to help you understand what is happening in this scenario:


  • When you delete individual passwords, they are sent to the recycle bin.  They can be recovered from here if needed, but if the recycle bin is emptied, the passwords are gone forever
  • When you delete a Password List, the Password List and all of the passwords it holds will be deleted from the system completely
  • When you delete a Folder, this Folder, all Password Lists and all Passwords they hold will be deleted from the system completely
  • If a user is deleted out of the system, then this will permanently delete any Private Password List they had.  If you add the user back in, this private Password list will not reappear. No Shared Password Lists are removed from the system when a user is deleted


You can always restore a copy of your database if needed, to recover passwords or password lists, so best practice to keep a long backup history of your database and web.config files.  The encryption keys in the web.config file must match the encryption keys in the database, so you should keep a relevant copy of the web.config file with the backup of the database that you take.


The auditing is kept forever, no matter if passwords or password Lists are removed from the system.  There is an option to purge auditing data under Administration -> Auditing if this is something you’d like to do.


We hope this helps,


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