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  1. I'm currently getting a large list of failed password resets. The passwords are correct, the heartbeat confirms them as correct (green light) but the resets keep failing for no particular reason. It worked fine before. The error message I'm getting is the following: The Passwordstate Windows Service failed to process the Password Reset Script 'Reset Windows Password' against Host 'vvcbpsageobn1.belfla.be' for the account 'Administrator' (\Shared Lists\Servers\DWH + GEO + GIS + QV + MIV\Windows Users). As a result, no changes have been made to this record in Passwordstate. Error = Failed to reset the local password for account 'Administrator' on Host 'vvcbpsageobn1.belfla.be'.Error = Method invocation failed because [System.Net.NetworkCredential] doesn't contain a method named 'new'. = Exception calling "Invoke" with "2" argument(s): "Number of parameters specified does not match the expected number.".
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