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Phil Cardone

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  1. Bumping this post to see if we can get them to consider this change. The browser extension is terrible (all are, it's not just PWS's), but having the OTP token visible on the Favorites screen would be a lot easier overall.
  2. I second this request. I actually put in a request for this about 2 years ago now, would be great to see this added as I spent 80% of my day using "Favorite" records all from this screen.
  3. Could you please add the name of the machine that the alert is being generated for? It appears that your 5 minute window is often getting triggered by ISP modem resets in the middle of the night which lead to false positives. Could you also put a setting to allow this 5 minute threshold to be changed to a manual number as an override as to be able to set it to something like 15 minutes to get by any regular system maintenance windows. Thank you
  4. Please make the ability to show the MFA token on the "Favorites/Passwords Home" screen. This would save from having to open each record to copy the MFA token to the clipboard.
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