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  3. By sending a Self Destruct Message, the content cannot be customized. We want to send only Username and Password. But at this moment only the field [All Other Selected Fields] is working. This fields give also notes, but that is not wanted. Deleting the field [All Other Selected Fields], and adding the fields [UserName] and [Password] are giving this as text, and not as fields.
  4. When you activate the Active Directory actions, you get the following AD administrative options: Unlock this account if locked User must change password at next logon Disable this account Enable this account I would love to see a 'feature option' that allows you to select one or more of these Active Directory options. I could greatly see allowing users the use of 'Unlock this account if locked', but because enabling the Active Directory actions option also allows 'Enable this account', I cannot not allow this ability to users. Having a feature option to select which of these four to use (or not use) would open the door to its use.
  5. Last week
  6. Hello Valentijn, This message would only be shown if you are successfully authenticated to Passwordstate, unless there is some sort of exception happening which we cannot reproduce. We've responded to your support ticket this morning, showing the screens we see, and we need to figure out why you are not seeing the same screens as us. Please let us know in the support ticket, and we can dig a little deeper to see if we can find the cause. Thanks Click Studios
  7. Clickstudios support team mentions this "error" message should only happen when the user is not logged in (it sounds more like an error than a normal message). But we are seeing this message being presented always if the user has no permission, even when logged in.
  8. I have created a Powershell script that exports the PasswordState configuration data to JSON files. Feel free to try it out: https://github.com/ServaasGoossens/PasswordStateConfig2Json.
  9. Earlier
  10. I tried to pass it with PowerShell, and it works! Thanks for your answers!
  11. Okay - thanks. Not sure if the following forum post would help with your Macs and WinAPI - https://forums.clickstudios.com.au/topic/2387-can-winapi-be-used-via-a-linux-shell-script/ Regards Click Studios
  12. Yes, I have looked into the Windows Integrated API, and that's the way we use it for Windows users. But some developers use Mac, so we want to figure out the Standard API key.
  13. We have the ability to use SSH Templates - Remote Shell or Remote Commands to create custom scripts for Password Resets; but we don't have the ability to use similar SSH Templates for custom validation/heartbeat scripts. This would be a great addition.
  14. Hello, Please see responses below: - how can I only allow the System API key to read passwords from one certain folder? or is it possible? Unfortunately not - do we support multiple system-wide Generic API keys? No we do not have a feature for that sorry - is it possible to only grant the `retrieve passwords` permission to the System API key? - you can change those settings on the properties of each Password List Have you had a look at the Windows Integrated API - can you instead use that in your environment? Regards Click Studios
  15. Thanks for the reply. I didn't notice that the Folder API key can't be used to retrieve password. The passwords are spread in multiple Lists, so I think that the best way might be to use a system-wide API Key. My questions are: - how can I only allow the System API key to read passwords from one certain folder? or is it possible? - do we support multiple system-wide Generic API keys? - is it possible to only grant the `retrieve passwords` permission to the System API key? Thanks
  16. Hello, APIKeys on folders are not used to retrieve passwords from Password Lists nested beneath the folder. They are only used for managing permissions on the Folders. To retrieve passwords, you can create a APIKey per Password List, or use the System Wide API Key. Or you can use the Windows Integrated API, which does not need API Keys. Regards Click Studios
  17. We created an API Key for one folder, but when trying to retrieve the password in the folder via the API key, we get a 401 response: We have tried in both Powershell script and Postman. We have no idea what's wrong, it seems the API Key is not recognized by the passwordstate.
  18. Hello Everyone, Today we have released build 9873. For full details, please refer to our changelog here https://www.clickstudios.com.au/passwordstate-changelog.aspx Regards Click Studios
  19. Does anyone know how you can use OATH-HOTP on a spare key? I tried using the same secret key for both keys but after X amount of logins on my main key, the spare key keep getting rejected. TOTP works fine but I prefer the HOTP due to how quick and simple it is. I'm guessing currently there is no option for FIDO, PIV, U2F or spare HOTP.
  20. sorry for my late reply. just wanted to check back that your solution from the documentation works perfectly fine. customer is happy (and me too many thanks, great product!
  21. And logging out doesn't do it either! As I said in my original post.
  22. You need to log out of Passwordstate. Just closing the browser won't do it.
  23. In the password list tree, the images for password lists do not align properly if the image isn't exactly 18px wide. I was able to align them by modifying the CSS class as below: .rtImg { width: 18px; } Unsure if that is the appropriate class to modify, but it seems to work and scratch my aesthetics itch. See attached image for unaligned (left) vs aligned (right) with the red line
  24. Can anyone tell me how to get out of "Impersonating" a user? I can't see a button anywhere to do it, and when I log out completely and log back in, I'm still impersonating.

  25. I am logged on as an administrator, and am impersonating a test user. Now I want to STOP impersonating, but there doesn't seem to be a way to do it, and the manual doesn't say how. When I log off completely and log in again, I am still impersonating the user. How do I get out of this?
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